Disney Animators’ Collection Dolls & Clothes from Miyoni

I was looking for doll clothes on Etsy and stumbled across a seller called MiyoniDoll. The dolls used to model the Miyoni clothes were so adorable with toddler-like bodies that I inquired what type of dolls they were. Miyoni responded they were customized dolls from the Disney Animators’ Collection.

I immediately went to Amazon.com and ordered three of them: Snow White, Cinderella, and Pocahontas.

Click her for my review of the dolls and Miyoni clothes. Continue reading

How Ever After High dolls have made me into an avid toy collector

I only recently discovered the awesomeness of Ever After High dolls. I quickly became fixated and ordered a bunch through Amazon. I am now obsessed. In less than a month, I have purchased 19 dolls in the line, with my sites set on collecting a few more in the near future. Opening my first few dolls brought me such delight, that it inspired the creation of my web site and Youtube channel. I always like sharing what little things in life make me happy with my friends. Why not share it with anyone in the world who may be interested. I like the idea of sharing what brings me joy, in the hope it may also brighten someone else’s day. Yes, it is often silly and frivolous. So what? It still makes me happy.

Click here for my first video : For my unboxing and review video

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